[FR] openSUSE Conference 2019 – Nuremberg, Germany

The openSUSE Conference is the annual openSUSE community event that brings people from around the world together to meet and collaborate.

Before Conference

After an 18-hour flight from Jakarta, Mr. Edwin and I finally arrived at Nuremberg. It is the city of SUSE’s office. We arrived at Nuremberg Airport around 10.00 AM. At first, I thought the immigration checking process would be quite intimidating. Turned out, I was being too paranoid 😀 The questions asked were standard one, such as what’s the occasion coming here, where do you stay and for how long.


Afterward, we bought tickets at a kiosk machine with destination to Lange Zeile, the place where we rent an apartment.


We reached the apartment with no hassle. After some rest, we went directly to the openSUSE Conference 2019 venue at Z-Bau. There weren’t many people around yet.


But we managed to meet with Katrin Murr and Douglas DeMaio, chit-chat for a while and did some helping around.

Before returning to the apartment, we tried to find the nearest mosque to the venue for our Friday prayer. Fortunately, we found it. It is called the Nuremberg Central Mosque. Felt content, we walked back to the apartment, took some rest and waited for the time for our breakfasting, which was around 09.53 PM.

Did I forget to mention that this event was held on the same month with our holy month Ramadan? Yups, we were fasting and it was my first experience having my fasting for more than 14 hours. 🙂

Day1 Conference

Arrived at the location we immediately queued to re-register and take merchandise. at the registration desk I was offered to take a special edition T-shirt or Bag openSUSE Conference. finally I chose T-shirt.


I followed some sessions on the first day and got to meet lot of new people. EOS Design System by Chintya and Jesus, DNF vs ZYpp: Fight! by Neal Gompa So exciting! “Kubernetes The Hard Way” on openSUSE Cloud environment by Masayuki Igawa openSUSE MicroOS and openSUSE MicroOS Desktop by Richard Brown


and the last before we left for Friday prayers openSUSE MicroOS in Production by Ish Sookun. After that we decided to go to the mosque. After completing the prayer, we returned to Z-Bau

Day2 Conference

I just followed some sessions until lunch break, after that I skipped the next session and went to the Hauptbahnhof to meet Mr. Edwin’s brother and his daughter, they live in Augsburg Germany. Then we went around the old town (Altstadt) and the fortress (Burg) in Nuremberg


View from the top of Burg


Day3 Conference

Third day of conference, in morning is about Atomic Updates – and /etc? by Thorsten Kukuk, State of Ceph by Kai Wagner and What can you do with a self-hosted alternative to Office365, Google Apps and others by Frank Karlitsche

After lunch the event was started by Annual Discussion with openSUSE Board. The openSUSE Board will present the outcome of their last F2F meeting, where they started driving its collective agenda for the next year. everybody is welcome to ask questions, give feedback, make suggestions and present ideas.


Last Day
We just relax at the apartment from the morning, after Dzuhur we prepared to go to the Airport. heading back home!
openSUSE Conference 2019 at Nürnberg is truly a pleasant experience, it was an unforgettable time to be the part of the #oSC19. Thank you for all the warm welcome while in Germany, and see you at the openSUSE.Asia Summit 2019 Bali

You can see more pictures by me on Flickr

Danke schön, Thank You!
